Perfect Bench Press Checklist

The bench press is a staple in powerlifting and one of the best exercises for building upper body strength. But if you’re not using proper technique, you’re leaving gains on the table—and risking injury. Following this bench press checklist will ensure maximum strength and reduced injury risk.


Back and Feet Position

Shoulder blades retracted, your upper back and shoulders should be firmly planted on the bench, eyes slightly below the bar. With a slight arch in the lower back the glutes must make contact with the bench. Both feet should be planted narrowly and flat to the ground, with enough arch in the legs to create drive.


Bar Grip and Unrack

Grip the bar moderately wide to engage the back; using the middle or ring finger along the barbell’s groove is a good guide. Now unrack the bar by engaging your lats not by pressing upwards, if you cannot clear the racks height without pressing up consider lowering the pins.


The Descent

Slow and controlled begin the descent, keeping the elbows in a strait path. As you lower the bar try to bend it, this will effectivly keep your lats engaged and tight. When you reach your sticking point (where the bar makes contact with the chest) pause until motion is stopped keeping everything as tight as possible


The Press

Now explosively engage the back and chest muscles which should be tight and prepared. Press through the ground with your feet to create leg drive. On the press bar path should go up and slightly back at an angle, make sure to be aware of the rack pins and avoid hitting them on the way up.